Tellurium Q - Ultra Silver Update - Test von HiFi Pig

Das Tellurium Q Ultra Silver ist nach einem Update jetzt als Version II zu haben. Janine Elliot von HiFi Pig hat einen Test veröffentlicht und den "Reviewer's Preference Award" vergeben.

“As an ex-BBC sound engineer I want to hear the music or speech in its purity, not coloured at all by cabling or any electronics… "

“If the music can sound incredibly real even away from the sweet-spot then it must be special…. "

"... it actually gave me more of the music to enjoy, like switching your 1080p TV channel to a 4K film gives you more detail. It allowed me to fully appreciate the KT88 valves in my power amp and the new capacitors in my rebuilt Ferrograph Logic 7. Putting on Elles Springs ‘Reveal’ album from Vertere’s label on my Krell KPS20i CD player made me surprised at just how good this machine is. The music was clean and precise yet still very musical, and a definite improvement on the original Ultra Silver in terms of timing and extension of frequencies ... "

"Now on my aged Chartwell BBC LS3/5a and Slee monoblocks the detail from these speakers was more than I had heard in the past, and even that bass extension down to a bottom G (49Hz) on the guitar was clearly audible and took me by surprise…these speakers were only designed for speech and mobile recording vans. The loudspeaker cable seemed to get more detail out of the music…

…Whilst very natural, they were incredibly vivid and unexpectedly gave me more out of the loudspeaker than I thought possible.

That said, even using my “cheap” Slee/Technics SL-Q2/Ortofon/LS3/5a set up showed just what is possible from your HiFi”

Janine Elliot, HiFi Pig

Tellurium Q - Ultra Silver Update - Test von HiFi Pig

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