Tellurium Q | Statement II

Tellurium Q

 "It took about 5 seconds to realise it had transformed the whole system into something so special, I haven’t heard anything as good, anywhere, at any time, for any price !"

“The Statements stand alone....
The Statements rewrite the book for cables and, at this very moment, as I write this review, completely stand alone in the market. In sonic terms, the Statement cables are breathtaking”

Paul Rigby, The Audiophile Man

AusführungVK incl. MwSt.
Statement II 3 Meter Stereo 12.900,00 €
Statement II Extra Meter Stereo 4.400,00 €
Statement II Jumper - Stereo Set 1200,00 €
Interconnect Kabel  
Statement II RCA - 1 Meter 5.500,00 €
Statement II XLR - 1 Meter 6.000,00 €
Statement II Interconnect Extra 0,5 Meter Stereo 1.100,00 €
Phono Kabel  
Statement II Phono RCA 1 Meter Stereo 5.500,00 €
Statement II Phono DIN to RCA 1 Meter Stereo 4.700,00 €
Digital Kabel - RCA - XLR oder BNC Anschluss  
Statement II Digital Waveform hf™  2.800,00 €
Statement II Digital Waveform hf™ Extra 0,5 Meter 280,00 €
Digital Kabel - USB  
Statement II USB 2.600,00 €
Statement II USB Extra 0,5 Meter 280,00 €
Statement Netzkabel 1,5 Meter 5.800,00 €
Statement Netzkabel Extra 0,5 Meter 550,00 €
Einbrenn CD - im Lieferumfang enthalten 0 €
Tellurium Q Katalog

In klanglicher Hinsicht sind die Statement II-Kabel atemberaubend

All die Superlative, mit denen die Vorgängerversion der Statement-Kabel von Kunden und Rezensenten überhäuft wurden bleiben gültig. Die Statement II-Kabel sind hörbar in jeder Hinsicht noch besser. 

Foreword by Geoff Merrigan

Tellurium Q® is often asked what do we do that makes our cables perform so well? The simple and unsatisfying answer is that we do a lot of little things together that mount up to be very important in preserving the relative phase of a signal. People assume that to get the best performance the “fastest” conductor – pure silver of something even better has to be used. Which is also one of the reasons for the pointless chasing of nines as I call it i.e. copper to 99.9999999% purity as if that is the single most important fact for a cable!

Surprisingly, to get the most natural sound, it is not just about merely conduction. This is the reason, any conductor from any cablemanufacturer on this planet will act as an electronic lter and bythat I mean that the various frequencies relative to one another get shifted with each material they pass through and are also affected by insulators, geometries, shielding etc.. The interesting thing is that materials affect ranges of frequencies in dissimilar amounts.It really is a nely tuned balancing act to make sure that you geta natural, transparent transmission. This takes a LOT more research than people would imagine. Even down to the solder that we use. Not standard by any means for the audio industry and we have tried numerous mixes and diverse percentages of silver in the solderbut at the end of our testing and development we nd we have asolder with no silver whatsoever (no lead either).

Even the process by which we solder and the temperature/time, “envelope” to complete the process is tightly controlled andspeci ed and it is not the same for each cable either!

The connectors may look relatively ordinary but have multiple layers of plating and not always the material you would expect. There is even more detail and precision within the plating process itself, because we specify the thickness of the plating and what has to be in the plating bath and what should not be.

These are just a couple of tiny details that make up just one small part of one cable. The detail, precision and care is the same for the rest of the products. And each little step needs a controlled listening and testing against other options which is immensely time consuming but hopefully the results speak for themselves.

From what we have learnt, especially in the last few years, we have been able to bring you the Statement cables. They are the Tellurium Q® Statement of the performance that we think is currently possible.

We hope that you enjoy your system more with your Statement cables.

tellurium-q-statement HIFI WORLD 5 Globestellurium-q-statement awards 2018


HIFI WORLD Award 2019 - Best Loudspeaker Cable Statement Lautsprecherkabel - HIFI WORLD Award 2019 - Best Loudspeaker Cable

“Tellurium Q are famous for refusing to elucidate on the construction of their cables or even the materials used within. Let’s just say it’s against founder Geoff Merrigan’s ethos. However, once you hear the Tellurium Q Statements it doesn’t really matter. A flagship model, once plugged in it is like unleashing the power of your system - or rather not throttling it like other cables do. Bass is more powerful, high-frequencies more defined while the mid-band is richer with greater detail.

It's as though a veil has been lifted from the face of your equipment. What they do best is make music more organic, more natural and, crucially, more exciting."

HiFi World

Statement Serie - 5 Globes von HIFI WORLD

“These new top of the range Tellurium cables set a standard that redefine just how good a cable loom can be. There is no obvious interference, constriction or tonal limits to the sound.They just allow a rather special, free-flowing signal to go between the various components in the hi-fi chain.As such they are highly recommended.”

-Jon Myles, HiFi World

Statement Speaker Cable, XLR & RCA

“Tellurium Q Statements are no usual cable affair and if I’ve called the Silver Diamonds an Emotional Tour de Force what are then the Tellurium Q Statements!? Well, they certainly transcend any typical labeling and this time I’m elevating them on the throne, that they clearly deserve. Their stand out, extraordinary performance can only be recognized with the 2018 Editor Choice Award!”

-Matej Isak, Mono & Stereo

Statement Speaker Cable & RCA

“To sum up let me add that the Tellurium Q Statement cables are a class of their own, a worthy partner of top audio systems, especially those in which we want to saturate the sound without losing any of the other features of the highest quality sound. Their importantadvantage is universality; they t almost any system in which theyharmoniously combine analytics with musicality, the power of dynamics with the subtlety of subtle reverberations. I know that they cost a lot, but I also know that it is worth spending time on them. “

-HiFi HiEnd Test

Statement Speaker Cable, & RCA

“ will also appreciate its dynamics. It is a rich, internally high- quality sound that requires familiarity with live music and high quality systems. Silver Diamond is a great cable, but Statement is much better in every respect. Together, however, they give something more, which will appeal to any kind of music, They give fullness, energy and richness of emotions. “

-Wojciech Pacuta, HiFidelity.Pl

Statement Cables

“The best cables I have heard so far, by far” -Terry Ellis, HiFi Reviewer


Wir entwickeln intensiv an weiteren Produkten, die wir aber erst dann anbieten werden, wenn sie eine signifikante Verbesserung gegenüber existierenden Produkten darstellen. 


Tellurium Q Farb-Familien

Testberichte Archiv von Tellurium Q

ArchivTellurium Q hat ein Archiv aller bisher erschienenen Presse- und Testberichte eingerichtet. Auf Grund der hohen Anzahl und der stark gewachsenen Popularität der Marke veröffentlichen wir hier jeweils nur die wichtigsten Tests. Dort finden Sie einen Überblick über alle internationalen Publikationen.

Die Tellurium Q Einbrenn-CD zur System Verbesserung

Die Tellurium Q Einbrenn-CD zur System Verbesserung

Die meiste Musik folgt bei einer Zeit-Frequenz-Analyse bestimmten Fourier-Transformationen und ist nicht zufällig. Das bedeutet, dass Ihr System in eine "Furche" geraten kann. Als wenn man im Fitness-Studio immer nur ein paar bestimmte Muskeln trainieren würde um sich dann zu fragen warum der Körper aus dem Gleichgewicht gekommen ist. Diese Aufnahme bespielt das System über eine volle Trainingseinheit von Frequenzen und Klangänderungen und bringt neues Leben in Ihre Musik. Alle Frequenzen, von tiefen Bässen bis in die oberen Mitten, werden durch hohe Frequenzbereiche unterbrochen und in einer nicht-sequenziellen, nicht Fourier gerechten Form durchgespielt.

Probieren Sie es aus und hören Sie selbst.


"Man muss taub sein, wenn man den Unterschied nicht hört!"

"Nach dem spielen der Einbrenn-CD zur System Verbesserung erlebte ich die gleiche starke Wirkung auf mein System, wie nach der Entmagnetisierung des Tonabnehmer Systems in meinem Plattenspieler."

"Nach dem Spielen einer Spur mit dem gleichen Volumen, vorher und nachher, kommt die Musik lebendiger, offener und hat mehr Raum als vorher. Es ist ein wirklich hörbarer Unterschied und auf jeden Fall der einfachste und kostengünstigste Weg ein System zu beleben."